The Operatives is an ongoing portrait series of people working in the political sphere. This series was inspired by Richard Avedon's work in the 1970's.

Madeline Albright
Secretary of State

Dr. Cornel West

Karl Rove
Deputy Chief of Staff, George W. Bush

Susan Rice
National Security Advisor & Ambassador to the United Nations

Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State

Andrew Card, Mack McLarty, Dennis McDonough
Chiefs of Staff to Bush, Clinton and Obama

Robert Rubin
Secretary of the Treasury

John Negroponte
Director of National Intelligence

Kathleen Sebelius
Secretary of Health and Human Services

Larry Sabato
Director, UVA Center for Politics

John Dickerson
Host, 60 Minutes

Kristina Johnson
Undersecretary of Energy

Stephen Hadley
Deputy National Security Advisor

Mona Sutphen
Deputy Chief of Staff, President Obama

Chris Matthews
Host, Hardball with Chris Matthews

John Bridgeland
Director White House Domestic Policy Council

David Saperstein
United States Ambassador

Melody Barnes
Assistant to President Obama and Director of White House Domestic Policy Council

Yoni Appelbaum
Editor, The Atlantic

Ibram X. Kendi
Director, Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University

Margaret Brennan
Moderator, Face the Nation

Amy Walter
Editor, The Cook Report

Kyle O'Connor
Speechwriter, Barack Obama

Chris Lu
Deputy Labor Secretary

Bill Antholis
Director, The Miller Center

Jamelle Bouie
NY Times Columnist

Risa Goluboff
Dean, UVA School of Law

Robert Bruner
Dean Emeritus, UVA Darden School of Business

Dan Bartlett
Counselor, George W. Bush

Jason Johnson
Professor, Morgan State University
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